Bear and Repair Your Magical Midlife Self!



  • Bear & Repair your magical midlife self! Life expectancy for women in Ireland is 82 years. So, the middle third of our life is 35-65years or so, shocking yes, but it’s how you think about it!

  • Many of us don't start our families until our 30s where our emotional maturity and self-actualization in terms of career or travel-hungry itchy feet are realized before we 'settle down and have kids.

  • Many of us don't start our families until our 30s where our emotional maturity and self-actualization in terms of career or travel-hungry itchy feet are realized before we 'settle down and have kids. Those are the plus bits making us good and mostly patient mothers.

  • The flip side is that our older bodies and energy levels struggle to keep up with our rambunctious broods that appear to have endless get up and go, and get into trouble! There comes a time in raising our family when we have to turn some attention onto ourselves simply to keep going!

  • It’s often when kids start school that tiny avenues of time start to appear when we can look after ourselves instead of endless nappies and prams and bum wiping! Bear & Repair 'Your magical midlife self' hold time for you to explore and invest in yourself for a change.

  • We will have a head-to-toe appraisal of what’s working well, and what needs work. You can either BEAR your body how it is or you can REPAIR it one piece at a time. Here's your chance to be guided by a very experienced physio and mum of four monsters, I mean darlings!

  • Series of 6 x 45minute learning/exploring workshops with an additional accompanying 25-minute exercise video to download after each workshop so that you can work away from yourself on the learning points from the workshop.

  • There are lots of ideas packed into each workshop on how to bring movement and improvement into your day to get the work done. The additional exercise video gives you a nice sequence of movements to start strengthening and lengthening your key areas to drive repair in the comfort of home, with physio instruction and attention to detail.

  • Each of the six weeks spotlights a different area in the body. These workshop areas might surprise you, but it’s where the magic is to be found to enhance your midlife journey. It’s only in the past 5-10 years that women’s voices have risen loud enough to demand better care after having a baby. Vaginal delivery is a large pelvis changing event and C Section a large abdominal surgery.

  • Good luck in finding your midlife magic. Now you've taken the time to get to know yourself again, challenge yourself to do something entirely new and exciting, go on, go, go on!


45minute learning/exploring workshops
25- minute exercise video to download after each workshop




  1. Each of the six weeks spotlights a different area in the body. These workshop areas might surprise you, but it’s where the magic is to be found to enhance your midlife journey. It’s only in the past 5-10 years that women’s voices have risen loud enough to demand better care after having a baby. Vaginal delivery is a large pelvis changing event and C Section a large abdominal surgery.

  2. We would never encourage an athlete to go straight back on the field after such a huge body event without a structured rehab plan, a return to play protocol, and game fitness assessment! But women are expected to get straight on with it while tired and sleep-deprived caring for a new baby, and often managing other children and home as we're 'off work'.

  3. We just manage whatever body problems arrive, part of the mum badge, especially those of an intimate variety, let’s face it, we don't like shouting too loud about 'our bits' even though they are fundamental to our comfort and confidence.

  4. So, what are we going to dig into? I've selected the six most common areas that I've seen in my almost 30years of the clinic that bother women of our age. Many of these problems may have started initially with not being given adequate time or treatment to recover from pregnancy changes.

  5. Then busy life, work, stagnates, commuting and computing, mum taxi and chief cook and bottle washer duties are layered on top. We sometimes don't feel much less than 90 of a morning! We'll look at patterns of standing and sitting that aren't helping us.

  6. We'll look at our breathing pattern, our ribs, and our muscles that stiffen and overwork adding to high-stress levels and difficulty with sleep and relaxation. We'll assess habits of holding in at our tummy buttons and upper ribs that can be creating problems of pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence.

  7. We'll look at how tightness and poor control of our feet, calf, hamstring, and back muscles contribute to tired and achy backs and how we can work on this, particularly walking better to make more muscle.

  8. We'll explore flat arse syndrome and how having poor bum muscles affects your pelvic floor, learning how to activate the whole area better, and see how very often one hip is tighter than the other and what to do about it.

  9. And finally, we'll look at the neck, upper back, and shoulders, how to keep this area healthy and happy as we age. Each accompanying exercise video works on the strength aspects of all these areas to get you started on resetting and strengthening your body.

  10. Also, have to mention menopause, it’s coming! Getting your body in good nick, establishing good exercise and eating habits generally leads to an easier journey to our next life stage.

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  • Bear & Repair your magical midlife self! Life expectancy for women in Ireland is 82 years. So, the middle third of our life is 35-65years or so, shocking yes, but it’s how you think about it!

  • Many of us don't start our families until our 30s where our emotional maturity and self-actualization in terms of career or travel-hungry itchy feet are realized before we 'settle down and have kids.

  • Many of us don't start our families until our 30s where our emotional maturity and self-actualization in terms of career or travel-hungry itchy feet are realized before we 'settle down and have kids. Those are the plus bits making us good and mostly patient mothers.

  • The flip side is that our older bodies and energy levels struggle to keep up with our rambunctious broods that appear to have endless get up and go, and get into trouble! There comes a time in raising our family when we have to turn some attention onto ourselves simply to keep going!

  • It’s often when kids start school that tiny avenues of time start to appear when we can look after ourselves instead of endless nappies and prams and bum wiping! Bear & Repair 'Your magical midlife self' hold time for you to explore and invest in yourself for a change.

  • We will have a head-to-toe appraisal of what’s working well, and what needs work. You can either BEAR your body how it is or you can REPAIR it one piece at a time. Here's your chance to be guided by a very experienced physio and mum of four monsters, I mean darlings!

  • Series of 6 x 45minute learning/exploring workshops with an additional accompanying 25-minute exercise video to download after each workshop so that you can work away from yourself on the learning points from the workshop.

  • There are lots of ideas packed into each workshop on how to bring movement and improvement into your day to get the work done. The additional exercise video gives you a nice sequence of movements to start strengthening and lengthening your key areas to drive repair in the comfort of home, with physio instruction and attention to detail.

  • Each of the six weeks spotlights a different area in the body. These workshop areas might surprise you, but it’s where the magic is to be found to enhance your midlife journey. It’s only in the past 5-10 years that women’s voices have risen loud enough to demand better care after having a baby. Vaginal delivery is a large pelvis changing event and C Section a large abdominal surgery.

  • Good luck in finding your midlife magic. Now you've taken the time to get to know yourself again, challenge yourself to do something entirely new and exciting, go on, go, go on!


45minute learning/exploring workshops
25- minute exercise video to download after each workshop




  1. Each of the six weeks spotlights a different area in the body. These workshop areas might surprise you, but it’s where the magic is to be found to enhance your midlife journey. It’s only in the past 5-10 years that women’s voices have risen loud enough to demand better care after having a baby. Vaginal delivery is a large pelvis changing event and C Section a large abdominal surgery.

  2. We would never encourage an athlete to go straight back on the field after such a huge body event without a structured rehab plan, a return to play protocol, and game fitness assessment! But women are expected to get straight on with it while tired and sleep-deprived caring for a new baby, and often managing other children and home as we're 'off work'.

  3. We just manage whatever body problems arrive, part of the mum badge, especially those of an intimate variety, let’s face it, we don't like shouting too loud about 'our bits' even though they are fundamental to our comfort and confidence.

  4. So, what are we going to dig into? I've selected the six most common areas that I've seen in my almost 30years of the clinic that bother women of our age. Many of these problems may have started initially with not being given adequate time or treatment to recover from pregnancy changes.

  5. Then busy life, work, stagnates, commuting and computing, mum taxi and chief cook and bottle washer duties are layered on top. We sometimes don't feel much less than 90 of a morning! We'll look at patterns of standing and sitting that aren't helping us.

  6. We'll look at our breathing pattern, our ribs, and our muscles that stiffen and overwork adding to high-stress levels and difficulty with sleep and relaxation. We'll assess habits of holding in at our tummy buttons and upper ribs that can be creating problems of pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence.

  7. We'll look at how tightness and poor control of our feet, calf, hamstring, and back muscles contribute to tired and achy backs and how we can work on this, particularly walking better to make more muscle.

  8. We'll explore flat arse syndrome and how having poor bum muscles affects your pelvic floor, learning how to activate the whole area better, and see how very often one hip is tighter than the other and what to do about it.

  9. And finally, we'll look at the neck, upper back, and shoulders, how to keep this area healthy and happy as we age. Each accompanying exercise video works on the strength aspects of all these areas to get you started on resetting and strengthening your body.

  10. Also, have to mention menopause, it’s coming! Getting your body in good nick, establishing good exercise and eating habits generally leads to an easier journey to our next life stage.


  • Bear & Repair your magical midlife self! Life expectancy for women in Ireland is 82 years. So, the middle third of our life is 35-65years or so, shocking yes, but it’s how you think about it!

  • Many of us don't start our families until our 30s where our emotional maturity and self-actualization in terms of career or travel-hungry itchy feet are realized before we 'settle down and have kids.

  • Many of us don't start our families until our 30s where our emotional maturity and self-actualization in terms of career or travel-hungry itchy feet are realized before we 'settle down and have kids. Those are the plus bits making us good and mostly patient mothers.

  • The flip side is that our older bodies and energy levels struggle to keep up with our rambunctious broods that appear to have endless get up and go, and get into trouble! There comes a time in raising our family when we have to turn some attention onto ourselves simply to keep going!

  • It’s often when kids start school that tiny avenues of time start to appear when we can look after ourselves instead of endless nappies and prams and bum wiping! Bear & Repair 'Your magical midlife self' hold time for you to explore and invest in yourself for a change.

  • We will have a head-to-toe appraisal of what’s working well, and what needs work. You can either BEAR your body how it is or you can REPAIR it one piece at a time. Here's your chance to be guided by a very experienced physio and mum of four monsters, I mean darlings!

  • Series of 6 x 45minute learning/exploring workshops with an additional accompanying 25-minute exercise video to download after each workshop so that you can work away from yourself on the learning points from the workshop.

  • There are lots of ideas packed into each workshop on how to bring movement and improvement into your day to get the work done. The additional exercise video gives you a nice sequence of movements to start strengthening and lengthening your key areas to drive repair in the comfort of home, with physio instruction and attention to detail.

  • Each of the six weeks spotlights a different area in the body. These workshop areas might surprise you, but it’s where the magic is to be found to enhance your midlife journey. It’s only in the past 5-10 years that women’s voices have risen loud enough to demand better care after having a baby. Vaginal delivery is a large pelvis changing event and C Section a large abdominal surgery.

  • Good luck in finding your midlife magic. Now you've taken the time to get to know yourself again, challenge yourself to do something entirely new and exciting, go on, go, go on!


45minute learning/exploring workshops
25- minute exercise video to download after each workshop




  1. Each of the six weeks spotlights a different area in the body. These workshop areas might surprise you, but it’s where the magic is to be found to enhance your midlife journey. It’s only in the past 5-10 years that women’s voices have risen loud enough to demand better care after having a baby. Vaginal delivery is a large pelvis changing event and C Section a large abdominal surgery.

  2. We would never encourage an athlete to go straight back on the field after such a huge body event without a structured rehab plan, a return to play protocol, and game fitness assessment! But women are expected to get straight on with it while tired and sleep-deprived caring for a new baby, and often managing other children and home as we're 'off work'.

  3. We just manage whatever body problems arrive, part of the mum badge, especially those of an intimate variety, let’s face it, we don't like shouting too loud about 'our bits' even though they are fundamental to our comfort and confidence.

  4. So, what are we going to dig into? I've selected the six most common areas that I've seen in my almost 30years of the clinic that bother women of our age. Many of these problems may have started initially with not being given adequate time or treatment to recover from pregnancy changes.

  5. Then busy life, work, stagnates, commuting and computing, mum taxi and chief cook and bottle washer duties are layered on top. We sometimes don't feel much less than 90 of a morning! We'll look at patterns of standing and sitting that aren't helping us.

  6. We'll look at our breathing pattern, our ribs, and our muscles that stiffen and overwork adding to high-stress levels and difficulty with sleep and relaxation. We'll assess habits of holding in at our tummy buttons and upper ribs that can be creating problems of pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence.

  7. We'll look at how tightness and poor control of our feet, calf, hamstring, and back muscles contribute to tired and achy backs and how we can work on this, particularly walking better to make more muscle.

  8. We'll explore flat arse syndrome and how having poor bum muscles affects your pelvic floor, learning how to activate the whole area better, and see how very often one hip is tighter than the other and what to do about it.

  9. And finally, we'll look at the neck, upper back, and shoulders, how to keep this area healthy and happy as we age. Each accompanying exercise video works on the strength aspects of all these areas to get you started on resetting and strengthening your body.

  10. Also, have to mention menopause, it’s coming! Getting your body in good nick, establishing good exercise and eating habits generally leads to an easier journey to our next life stage.

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