Bear Care For Bladders, When You Can't Run With the Cubs!



  1. Bear Care for Bladders, when you can't run with the cubs! Having bladder problems post-birth is more common than you think, but not normal, and not to be accepted as an inevitable part of bearing children.

  2. 1 in 3 women has bladder/continence difficulties post-birth. This may be a small leak when running or laughing unexpectedly/ joyously or it could show up as a strong urge to pee in certain situations when only a teaspoon of pee is present.

  3. Research shows women on average wait 5 years to see someone about this type of problem. Now is your chance to set some groundwork, get your structure right, strength and length, of all muscles feeding into the pelvic floor optimized.

  4. You'll learn in-depth about your bladder, how it works and how the pelvic floor holds everything in and allows waste out, but only when we're fine and ready! This is a special course that only runs three times a year! Jump in!

  5. This is 8- week course with 8 x 45minute exercise and lifestyle workshops with pdf downloads of all exercises covered in the workshop each week for home practice.


45-minute exercise and lifestyle workshops with pdf downloads of all exercises




  1. This is a whole-body approach to pelvic floor rehab; it’s not just about squeezing and lifting your pelvic floor. There are so many lifestyle and contributory body factors to look at and change to gain better control of your bladder symptoms.

  2. The whole-body approach is sometimes condensed down to the four Fs: Foot, fibula, fanny, forehead, aligning and addressing them, (whether you come from a country where your fanny is your vagina or your bum is immaterial to these Fs!).

  3. We start with the foot and work our way up through the body looking at lifestyle factors, clothing choices, muscle tightness, under and overworking muscles.

  4. We cover the proven 'Your Pelvic Matters' exercise sequence, working through 12 foundational exercises, 12 intermediate exercises, and a selection of advanced exercises too.

  5. If you're having bladder problems and are too squeamish to go for a full-on assessment just yet, start here.

  6. If you have done Kegels (squeezing and lifting your pelvic floor repetitively to strengthen) forever and a day, but still having problems, start here to address some of the other things that can help and may have been overlooked.

  7. If you're tired of wearing pads and have spent a small fortune on them, start here. If you know where every toilet is in every venue you tend to go to, 'just in case, start here. Let’s do this!

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  1. Bear Care for Bladders, when you can't run with the cubs! Having bladder problems post-birth is more common than you think, but not normal, and not to be accepted as an inevitable part of bearing children.

  2. 1 in 3 women has bladder/continence difficulties post-birth. This may be a small leak when running or laughing unexpectedly/ joyously or it could show up as a strong urge to pee in certain situations when only a teaspoon of pee is present.

  3. Research shows women on average wait 5 years to see someone about this type of problem. Now is your chance to set some groundwork, get your structure right, strength and length, of all muscles feeding into the pelvic floor optimized.

  4. You'll learn in-depth about your bladder, how it works and how the pelvic floor holds everything in and allows waste out, but only when we're fine and ready! This is a special course that only runs three times a year! Jump in!

  5. This is 8- week course with 8 x 45minute exercise and lifestyle workshops with pdf downloads of all exercises covered in the workshop each week for home practice.


45-minute exercise and lifestyle workshops with pdf downloads of all exercises




  1. This is a whole-body approach to pelvic floor rehab; it’s not just about squeezing and lifting your pelvic floor. There are so many lifestyle and contributory body factors to look at and change to gain better control of your bladder symptoms.

  2. The whole-body approach is sometimes condensed down to the four Fs: Foot, fibula, fanny, forehead, aligning and addressing them, (whether you come from a country where your fanny is your vagina or your bum is immaterial to these Fs!).

  3. We start with the foot and work our way up through the body looking at lifestyle factors, clothing choices, muscle tightness, under and overworking muscles.

  4. We cover the proven 'Your Pelvic Matters' exercise sequence, working through 12 foundational exercises, 12 intermediate exercises, and a selection of advanced exercises too.

  5. If you're having bladder problems and are too squeamish to go for a full-on assessment just yet, start here.

  6. If you have done Kegels (squeezing and lifting your pelvic floor repetitively to strengthen) forever and a day, but still having problems, start here to address some of the other things that can help and may have been overlooked.

  7. If you're tired of wearing pads and have spent a small fortune on them, start here. If you know where every toilet is in every venue you tend to go to, 'just in case, start here. Let’s do this!


  1. Bear Care for Bladders, when you can't run with the cubs! Having bladder problems post-birth is more common than you think, but not normal, and not to be accepted as an inevitable part of bearing children.

  2. 1 in 3 women has bladder/continence difficulties post-birth. This may be a small leak when running or laughing unexpectedly/ joyously or it could show up as a strong urge to pee in certain situations when only a teaspoon of pee is present.

  3. Research shows women on average wait 5 years to see someone about this type of problem. Now is your chance to set some groundwork, get your structure right, strength and length, of all muscles feeding into the pelvic floor optimized.

  4. You'll learn in-depth about your bladder, how it works and how the pelvic floor holds everything in and allows waste out, but only when we're fine and ready! This is a special course that only runs three times a year! Jump in!

  5. This is 8- week course with 8 x 45minute exercise and lifestyle workshops with pdf downloads of all exercises covered in the workshop each week for home practice.


45-minute exercise and lifestyle workshops with pdf downloads of all exercises




  1. This is a whole-body approach to pelvic floor rehab; it’s not just about squeezing and lifting your pelvic floor. There are so many lifestyle and contributory body factors to look at and change to gain better control of your bladder symptoms.

  2. The whole-body approach is sometimes condensed down to the four Fs: Foot, fibula, fanny, forehead, aligning and addressing them, (whether you come from a country where your fanny is your vagina or your bum is immaterial to these Fs!).

  3. We start with the foot and work our way up through the body looking at lifestyle factors, clothing choices, muscle tightness, under and overworking muscles.

  4. We cover the proven 'Your Pelvic Matters' exercise sequence, working through 12 foundational exercises, 12 intermediate exercises, and a selection of advanced exercises too.

  5. If you're having bladder problems and are too squeamish to go for a full-on assessment just yet, start here.

  6. If you have done Kegels (squeezing and lifting your pelvic floor repetitively to strengthen) forever and a day, but still having problems, start here to address some of the other things that can help and may have been overlooked.

  7. If you're tired of wearing pads and have spent a small fortune on them, start here. If you know where every toilet is in every venue you tend to go to, 'just in case, start here. Let’s do this!

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