Congratulations, Baby Bear on the way!
It’s an exciting time, and hopefully, when the bone-weary tiredness lifts, exercise and building your body into a strong and healthy baby carrier will come to mind! There is lots you can do when pregnant, watch the free video all about Exercising Safely in Pregnancy to get started.

What I Wish I Knew Workshop.
Set yourself up to Bear and Birth with a smile!
What my 40-week pregnant self would tell my early pregnant self!
This is a series of six - one-hour weekly workshops.
We spotlight a body area each week and learn how to help and support this area during and after pregnancy.
Areas include the pelvic floor, ribs, pelvis, low back, feet, neck, and shoulders.
We suggest all of the little trips and tricks to support you as you move through your pregnancy and gain balance, strength, structure, and comfort.
Each workshop includes:

20minute Bear & Repair Recorded Exercise Video
Each week showing you how to put together some of these moves into a workout that you can easily incorporate into your daily schedule.
This will help you feel confident in your growing body, understand the moving parts and be able to help yourself if niggles arise.
You'll have supportive exercise videos covering all the major body areas affected during pregnancy, how to strengthen, lengthen and bring ease, one for every day of the week working top to toe, inside and out!
Video: Free 30 minute video about Exercise in Pregnancy
Safe Exercise During Pregnancy.
Top 3 Tips: How to get exercising when you find out you're pregnant!
This will give you the confidence to get started. Hup! off the couch!
This video covers:
Physiotherapy advise including all latest safety guidelines, from UK, USA, and Canada
The huge benefits of exercising for both you and your baby,
Areas for caution and contraindications
Recommendations for safe exercise during pregnancy.
Top 3 tips to get started, Go Girl!

There is simply no better feeling on this planet when you’re pregnant than slowly slipping into the warm embrace of weightlessness in the water!
When you are chest-deep in water, you weigh only a quarter of your on-land weight.
Your joints are supported, your back eases, all the swelling bits in your legs get gently squeezed, and all of a sudden you begin to feel light and lithe and graceful.
In the pool you can really move your body with ease, legs, arms trunk all have 3D movement available to them, with minimal effort.
The magic of water is difficult to define, but it’s a bit sneaky! With hydro-static pressure, it does lift your body allowing you to feel weightless, but it also resists anything moving through it.
It’s 9 times harder to walk through water than it is through the air so you can get some really good strengthening and toning work done in the pool too.
Aqua4mums Class is My Gift to You.
Cardiovascular health can also be pushed a little bit as the water keeps your core temperature cool, and supports your body sufficiently that even if you’re dogged by pelvic or back pain you can still workout and feel those happy exercise hormones flowing, your endorphins!
Aqua4mums is Bear & Repair’s sister site, please feel free to hop over there and see if there is a class that suits your schedule.
‘What I wish I knew’ here at Bear & Repair is my hard-won advice and support to you for living well day to day and growing your baby as comfortable as possible.
What People Are Saying
“I thoroughly enjoyed all of Aileen’s classes and was so glad I took part. She made it! very easy to listen to and engaged so well asking everyone about their particular ailments and focusing on everyone individually and as a group. It was so well delivered with practical solutions for specific problems. My back and pelvic area had been quite sore and little tips such as standing differently ( up against a sink when washing /getting into bed differently ) really did help. I highly recommend the classes and it was such a nice atmosphere with other lovely girls in the group to share things with. Thanks so much and look forward to another session soon!.”
— Susan C.
“As with your pool classes, I really like that you offer a holistic approach to prenatal care. You share your own experiences, include all attendees and invite them to share theirs (in a casual and non-intimidating way). As well as covering the topics that you set out to from the top of the class, you allow the content to ebb and flow which I think is so welcome, particularly during Zoom sessions as people are moving directly to the class from their home/work/play/care environment without that headspace time that can come from the physical journey to a class - I really enjoyed that and appreciated you being able to foster a sense of community remotely.”
“I previously did Aileen's aqua prenatal classes in Butterfield and loved them so am devastated it doesn't look like they'll be back up and running for the duration of my current pregnancy! I think everything you included in the course was very relevant, it is quite different to other prenatal classes on offer (as in it is not just an exercise/yoga/pilates class etc) and is more education and giving you the foundations and knowledge you need to get through pregnancy as easily and pain-free as possible- taught by a physio!”
— Mairead Mc M.