How to get new mums back to work happily!
6 focus points to help new mums get body and mind back around a desk and computer (when it’s been used to raising a baby!), writes Aileen Convery of Bear & Repair.
Read on to see how Bear & Repair can help!
I've worked with thousands of mothers over my 28years of being a physio. Getting back to work is a major hurdle for every MUM. Not only are you leaving your precious baby in someone else’s care, but you also feel completely out of step in your body.
Pre-baby work clothes often don't fit anymore, you've been out of the 'fashion trend' loop for over a year, you feel unsure if you're up for the demands of your career and sitting at a desk, oh boy!
I've lots of ideas for helping your new mums transition back to work, read on to see how Bear & Repair can help!
So, one of the best, most productive workers/employees has headed off to join the motherhood tribe, T-shirt, bandana, Babygro, the works. Not only has it left a large hole in the workforce with everyone else leaning in to share the load, or if you’re lucky enough to have a replacement for you while gone, there are other niggling concerns aren’t there??!!
Support to your ‘Worker Mums’ coming back to Work.
Will she come back?? Will she be happy? Will she be healthy?? Sure, motherhood changes you, 150%, but it tends to get you working smarter, you have to in order to survive!
Bear & Repair offers support to your worker Mums coming back to work after having a baby. How do you bend your body back around a desk and computer when it’s been used to a great variety of movement? How to focus your mind on work, when all of baby life has been first and foremost for at least a year, even above Mum herself?
Motherhood has lots of bending, moving, walking, lifting, it’s rare to sit down long enough to ever get even halfway through a cup of hot tea. One of return to work’s greatest rewards is actually having an entire cup of hot tea or coffee without interruption, bliss.
However, sitting disease affects everyone, and new mums more than most.
With the added change in body shape and breathing, interrupted sleep, and incomplete strengthening of stretched parts during pregnancy sitting although welcome at first can start to become a problem with aches and pains developing in the neck, back, shoulders, and wrists.
Time in work is often book-ended by creche or childminder picks and drops, so racing under pressure in the commute is felt all the time.
“I invite you to invest some time in yourself,
invest time in your employees.”
With Bear & Repair’s signature, I am delighted to guide you through…
Continued strengthening work you can do in the office,
Breathwork to improve how your trunk muscles work
Using breath to find laser focus, bring your energy up, or calm your mind
4. Help you in finding deep sleep at night
5. Simple techniques to ease tension in face, neck, shoulders and upper back
6. Tips and encouragement to keep movement part of the work day
“Basically, how not to become a desk potato!”
Happy healthy present workers are Bear & Repairs goals.
About Bear & Repair
Aileen Convery has been a physio for 28 years now! Initially, her physio superpower was working in Sports Rehab. Aileen works with women in Prenatal, Newly Postnatal, Very Postnatal and Corporate Work, along with Papa Bears. Aileen was a member of the Irish Olympic Swim Team in Seoul in 1988. This inspired her Aqua4mums business, which lead to Bear & Repair. Being in the pool when pregnant simply can’t be beaten! More than 3000 babies and their mums have enjoyed aqua-natal with Aileen being inspired, empowered, and feeling fit for birth.
She adores babies, and delivering baby massage courses for gorgeous babies has been deeply joyful for her.
Come along with Aileen!